donderdag 19 februari 2009

Jenna en Moira

In Jughead kwam Desmond op de Oxford Universiteit en daar werd hij boos op Moira, de vrouw die hem hielp.

In Exodus deel 2 kwam Hurley met veel geluk het vliegtuig in, met hulp van Jenna.

Deze twee personages werden gespeeld door dezelfde actrice Mary Ann Taheny en heel veel fans vroegen zich af of dat iets betekende. Wij zijn op onderzoek uit gegaan en hebben het haar zelf gevraagd via e-mail. Haar antwoord was lang en erg duidelijk.

Aloha Dutch Lost. Normally Lost does not let the same actor on twice in a different role. I had previously been told they would not be able to use me again unless it was as the same character. However, there is a very small pool of good actors based in Hawaii. If they don't choose a Hawaii based actor they have to fly them in from Los Angeles, put them up in hotels, give them a per diem, etc.

I have a strong feeling that the nose dive that the economy took had a big part in using more Hawaii based actors this season (and recycling prior actors for the smaller parts) to reduce the overall expenses. They used over 25 Hawaii based actors in the day player roles this season which is very unusual. I'm certain it was due to the economy. Plus the director told me I gave a good audition and was the most natural of all the people who auditioned (including people who WERE British).
Which was great for me. They were fully aware I had been on the show before as an Australian.

This episode's director (a different director did this episode) said 3 years had passed and I looked sufficiently different enough now to be used again and did not feel I would be recognized.
Sorry, no conspiracy. I'm good at doing accents. That's how I got both parts. If my name had not been listed on the internet as the actor, I don't think people would have noticed I was the same person in 2 different roles.

But you know....Lost never tells the actors what is going to happen in the future. The actors don't see the scripts until shortly before the shoot. It's very secretive. I could very well be part of some larger conspiracy, but I won't find out until they need me.I'm hoping that they bring me
back again as someone else, but I doubt it. Sorry to disappoint the Lost fans. I was recycled.

Thank you for asking,
Mary Ann Taheny

1 opmerking:

  1. Vind het best knap dat we het gevonden hebben, alleen jammer dat we het niet vlak na Jughead gingen proberen.


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